Thursday, November 13, 2014

Craving Simplification

For the past several weeks, when I feel overwhelmed and like there's too much to get done, which is very often . . . the same word keeps coming to my mind - Simplify.  I want to simplify my life in every way.  But how do you even find the time to do it?  There are so many things I feel behind on, this blog being one of them.  What should be a joy to me to record my family's happenings, becomes a burden that is added to another long list of things I can't seem to get to.  I was so motivated over the summer to stick with my nutrition and health, and still am doing fairly well, but as I knew would happen, I can't keep up with blogging about it or keep up with it to the intensity I was able to in the summer.  And that's just life.  That's the stage I'm in with young children.  And being a Mom.  And working outside the home.  And the list goes on.  But what do I do about it?  I feel like I'm trying to keep up with these expectations, mostly that I've put on myself to keep doing.  I've got to keep up with this blog, and my yearly family website where we send out a Christmas greeting each year with our family letter, and keep it updated with all the pictures from all the events we've done throughout the year.  But who really looks at that anyway?  Yes, I myself like going to it and looking back over the years and seeing what we did, and how young the kids were, and how everyone has grown.  I imagine one day my kids will look at it and find joy.  But who really knows if they will?  Am I wasting time posting pictures and updates that I could be spending and enjoying with them in the flesh in the next room?  This is my current dilemma.  I am craving simplification.  But all these other things I want to do, they are part of what makes me me.  I love pictures, I love photography.  Another thing I currently feel I don't have time for.  I've invested over the past couple years in building my photography equipment and learning skills, in the hopes that I could make a decent side income doing something that I love to do, take pictures.  But right now, it too feels like a burden that I don't have the time or money to put into it.  Maybe this is just a season.  Maybe in another day or two I'll feel completely different.  But for now, this is what it is.  I've got to find a way to simplify my life.  I know that my #1 purpose right now in my life is to be a mom to Ethan, Caleb, & Alaina.  I wish I could do it full time.  But I can't.  I am thankful I only have to work part time for things to work for our family.  I realize that is also a blessing, and many people are a part of making that a reality for our family.  I'm not ungrateful.  But because I have limited time with them, and the years are short, I don't want to waste my energy on keeping up pictures or keeping up recollecting all that we've been doing on a blog.  But yet, I love to write.  It is also a part of what makes me who I am.  I don't want to give up me, because keeping the things I love to do in my life, makes me a better wife and mom.  So, this is me "thinking it out" through writing.  I'm seeking out what my next step should (or shouldn't be) in regards to all I've said.  I'm definitely craving simplification, but I don't know what that will ultimately look like for me.  And maybe that's ok.  I'm seeking God's help to help me work out what that means for me.  Until then, there may be a long haitus on this blog and our family website too.  Thanks for your patience with me as I try to figure this out.

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