The past couple weeks have been stressful for me as a mom. There are several things my sons are going through in relation to school, that I am trying to help them with by getting accommodations in place in the classroom. My ultimate goal is to get a 504 plan in place, so that legally the teachers must follow the accommodations in the plan. If anyone has ever gone through this, you know that it seems and feels like a huge mountain of tasks that all must take place in order to get this accomplished. I have struggled for a couple years whether to even push forward with this request, because I've heard how much of a nightmare it can be to get it in place. However, we have come to the point where I feel that I must fight for my kids in order to offer them the best chance at success. And I feel that God is leading me and telling me the time is now. Given that thought though, now that I've decided to move forward with the request, it feels as though there is a rush for everything to be done RIGHT NOW. It's hard to prioritize, because everything seems that it needs to happen all at the same time, it is all important. I stayed up until the early hours of the morning one night this past week, just worried, stressed, and planned out all that I thought I needed to do to get everything going and in place. I have gotten the ball rolling with one of my son's schools, but now I must go and get a statement from their doctor. The specialist doctor they see may or may not relate their condition to needing accommodations at school. If that is the case, then we must wait for a referral to another specialist. It is all very hard to determine, and could take a long time . . . And again I feel that there is a rush, because in my mind I want this completed soon and definitely before the end of the school year. But I am going to try not to worry this next week, and trust God that at the right time he will make things happen as they are supposed to happen, and direct me in each step.
1 Peter 5:6-7
"So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."
Sometimes, I only focus on verse 7 about giving my worries to God. But I must not forget verse 6 . . . He will lift me up in honor at the right time, and I must humble myself under His mighty power.
That is my focus as I head into a new week, filled with more to do lists. I am humbling myself under His power, His MIGHTY POWER, and waiting for Him to lift me up AT THE RIGHT TIME. The timing is not up to me. No matter how rushed I try to get things done, I can't control the timing of how everything is going to work out and when or if it even will. But I can trust God, because He cares about me.
Is there something that you're worried about today? Remember to give your worry to the Lord, but also to trust that at the right time, He will lift you up. The timing is in His Mighty Power.
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