Sunday, November 15, 2020

5 years and 10 months later

How in the world has it been 5 years and 10 months since I wrote on this blog? There's obviously no way I'm going to catch up in one post what has happened over the past 5 years. But here we are in November of 2020. My life and this world has changed tremendously.

Our daughter is now 9 years old and she was just diagnosed on Friday with Covid.  It seems surreal.  Out of everyone in our family she sees the least amount of people and does the least amount of activities - she only really does school and home right now.  It came on suddenly at school - mild symptoms of headache, nausea, fever, and sore throat.  Because of all the symptoms, the nurse said she had to quarantine for 10 days or provide a negative covid test to come back sooner.  My husband and I decided to get her tested just to rule it out.  I fully expected a negative result.  But the doctor came back in almost immediately and said it was positive.  I was in shock.  Still am.  But it appears that she only has a very mild case.  She already seems almost completely back to normal today, only 2 days later.  Now the rest of the family is in quarantine.  It is weird and hard.  Our oldest at 16 now had his last soccer tournament of the season and really was upset he didn't get to play in it.  Our middle at 14 is very anxious and cautious and wearing a mask in the house.  What a strange world we live in.  My husband is getting things set up to work from home.  This is now my second quarantine from my job as a kindergarten assistant.  I had only been back to school about 10 school days since the last time I had to quarantine.  I have enough sick days I think for this time . . . but what if it happens again this year?  Then I won't.  It feels like no one is talking about it.  Everyone wants to not be the ones who get it.  And if you do, then you kind of feel like your family has somehow done something wrong.  But we haven't.  Here in SC we were made to all go back to real life and school started in August.  We have taken all the precautions of wearing masks every time we're out in public, lots of handwashing, had sanitizing, not going to large gatherings.  And yet the least likely person in our family is now positive.  I can't share about this yet on social media . . . why, I'm not sure.  Somehow it feels like I am supposed to keep it hush, hush . . . even though no one has said to.  So, for now I'm writing out my feelings here.  Not sure if I will share this eventually or not.  

Trying to Depend on Him through all of this.  There is tons more to share and tons more of hard things because of this, but this is all I have time for now.